


I'm currently an university student at Fatec college, pursuing a technical degree in system analysis and development. I've worked with low-level programming languages like C and C++ to make simple systems, training and UI for college projects, but my passion lies in object oriented languages like python for data manipulation or C# for general applications development, i also have some experience with front-end, but my interests are around back-end development.

CodeWars Badge

Software Engineer, Game Developer, and Artist

What makes me an engineer is the pleasure i have for trying to find and compare solutions for complex problems mixed with my hunger for knowlege that makes me want to learn many different areas of programming to create inovatting solutions. As a game lover i spend most of my free time developing games to learn more and reinforce programming and skills, reading books to improve my code patterns, readability and optimization. Part of my creativity for creating code came from my hobby to make art for my game projects and admiration for procedural generations.

  • Age: 22
  • Degree: Bachelor
  • Favorite Language: C#
  • DISC: Conscientiousness
  • Culture: Nerd Geek

I also like to study and practice the concepts of machine learning, i only used neural and simpler models to make basic prediction projects, but that's a vast area and i want to explore more with tensorflow and pytorch, being reinforcement learning my favorite subject. When it comes to music, i like a bit of music engineering by code like generating midi files and playing them with some sound samples.

More about myself, in the geek part i like to read sci-fi books specially from Asimov, manga, watch anime, movies, series and play lots of different games being Monster Hunter, Dark Souls and Zelda three of my favorite franchises, from that you may know my favorite game genre are RPGs.


Some more facts and some statistics about my progress in the programming area so far.

Repositories of projects created

languages used in many scripts

Hours of programming experience during life

Linux as my favorite linux distribution

Programming languages

C/C++ 65%
C# .NET 90%
Python 55%
Shell 45%
JavaScript 60%
HTML 80%
CSS 80%
Assembly 5%


Innovative and deadline-driven Software developer with 2+ years of experience creating codes for games, interfaces, microntrolers, applications, virtual bots and many more.


Systems analysis & development

2023 - Today

FATEC College of Technology, São paulo, Brasil

A public higher education institution that offers courses in the technology field, focusing on developing practical and technical skills to prepare students for the job market.

The courses are developed in collaboration with companies and professionals in the field, ensuring that students acquire relevant and up-to-date knowledge with emphasis on practice and laboratories and encouragement of research and innovation.

Mathematics fundamentals

2019 - Today

Khan Academy, Online course

Mathematics courses that offers a wide range of topics supported by instructional videos, interactive exercises and personalized learning techniques.

Also feaures progress tracking to see my growth during the courses.


Foundational C# with Microsoft

Microsoft & FreeCodeCamp

Learned the fundamentals of the C# language to develop some apps and complex systems using .NET. Also learned about how to debug console applications and create methods in a conventinal way to build my code.

Responsive Web Design


The basics to intermediate of JS, HTML and CSS with some features to make responsive pages in front and back-end. I made lots of projects to proof my knowlege being a Survey Form, Tribute page, Technical Documentation Page, Product Landing page and my own personal portfolio like this one.

Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D


The fundamentals of working with the unity engine. Seeing programing concepts and architecture in practice making lots of projects to learn how to develop big systems that works with each other.


Some pictures of the projects i made so far. //TODO

  • All
  • Art
  • Games
  • Web